Standing Seam Roof

Standing Seam Roofing

Contact person for
Standing Seam Roofing:
Todd Iriel, Metal Specialist

Phone 803-600-4684

Types of Standing Seam Roofs


Copper Standing Seam and Radius Copper Standing
Seam Roofs – using 16 oz. copper.


Slate and Synthetic Slate Roofs – available in approximately 25 colors.

Nails & Flashings

Nails and flashings are always copper on copper


Fabrication and installation of double lock standing
seam roofs.

Standing Seam Roofing Is Used On: – Historic Houses, Churches, and Courthouses. One of our specialties are church steeple tops.

Our Specialties In This Area Are: Hidden and inline gutter systems; Straight or radius guttering with Computerized RAS TurboBend; Fabrication of any type, size, or shape roof dormer (i.e. copper, painted 500 kynar aluminum and any type louver requested); Installation of new exhaust fan systems for removing or drawing in air; All sizes and shapes of duct work (i.e. S-locks, drive connections, etc.); Welded pipe from galvanized to stainless; Any size or shape fittings or transitions for duct; Fabrication and installation of any type of roof flashing, wall capping, gravel stop, wall flashing, step flashing, crickets to divert water and overflow scuppers; Fabrication and installation of any type conductor head with downspouts; and Fabrication of any size and/or shape gutters, downspouts and couples.

Some of our Standing Seam References are:

– Bethel United Methodist Church
– Chester ARP Church
– Hanson House
– Lace House
– Past Time Pavilion
– Patterson Fan
– Roger Wynn House
– Seibels House
– Ted Deary House
– Thompson Funeral Home
– The South Carolina State House
– The Robert Mills House

Some of our Maintenance References are:

Ashland United Methodist Church Collier’s Keenan Foster Saad Development Saturn of Columbia
Bethel United Methodist Church Dial Dunlap & Associates, Inc. Greek Orthodox Church Security Federal Banks
Children’s World Day Cares Dr. Richard Wayburn Love Chevrolet Southern Mutual Church Insurance Co.
Park Street Baptist Church Riverland Hills Baptist Church Rosewood Baptist Church St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Thompson Funeral Home Toyota Center Wendy’s Restaurants Wilson Kibler

We Specialize in Fabrication Standing Seam Roofing Commercial Roofing .

Stanick Sheet Metal & Roofing, Inc, Roofing Contractors, Columbia, SC